"You don’t have to be the fastest, strongest, or most skillful player, but if you find something you love and push through the tough times, you can achieve something special."

Meet Rhian Cleverly, a footballer with international experience, currently playing for Rugby Borough Women. On and off the pitch, she is dedicated to using her platform to create positive change. Having overcome setbacks, including being released, relegated, and returning from three hip surgeries, she understands the challenges of the game. Beyond football, Rhian works with the Love Local Jobs Foundation to inspire young people and has founded HerGoal, a platform helping female footballers build sustainable dual careers.

Rhian Cleverly Rugby Borough FC


"I started playing football in the garden with my two brothers. At first, my mum didn’t want me to play—apparently, football wasn’t for girls—but at age nine, I convinced her to let me join my brother’s training session. I've been kicking a ball ever since (20+ years)!

As I grew up playing football, I became more aware of the inequality that I and so many other women in sport continue to face. That awareness has driven me to pursue more opportunities in sports and equality.

My dad was the one who convinced my mum to let me join my brother in training. He has always been very supportive—taking me to countless games and training sessions—encouraging me to play for as long as I can and pushing me to be my best.

At Lewes FC, I had some amazing role models who inspired and supported me while also challenging me to fight harder. Maggie Murphy, Lynne Burrell, and Kelly Lindsay were among those who made a lasting impact on me.”


“When I was growing up, the only women’s football on TV was the Women’s FA Cup Final—which is why I support Arsenal, as they used to win every year! The movie Bend it Like Beckham, although not a real sporting moment, was a rare source of women's football, and I used to watch it on repeat. Both allowed me to think that, as a girl growing up, sport and football was a space for me.”

Vicarious confidence - the feeling that comes from watching someone like you achieve something magnificent, which in turn gives you the belief you can achieve’.

This is my favourite quote from Sue Anstiss‘s book “Game On: The Unstoppable Rise of Women’s Sport”. It captures why it’s vital for young girls to see role models and hear their stories—so they grow up knowing that a future in sport is possible for them too. To ensure more authentic and diverse narratives are shared, more discussions, highlighting and celebrating female athlete/females in sport, raising their platforms, telling their stories, making their voice louder.”

Rhian Cleverly Rugby Borough Football Club


“Barriers include outdated cultural beliefs and societal norms that make girls, women, and even parents believe that girls don’t belong in sport. Examples include the Football Association (FA) banning women’s football for 50 years, the huge disparity in FA Cup prize money, and restrictive uniform policies—such as girls being required to wear skirts in netball or white shorts that can be problematic during the menstrual cycle. Other challenges include the lack of media coverage of women’s sport, the absence of girls' football teams in schools, and women and girls being given the last pick of facilities and opportunities.

To address these issues, there needs to be a major push in education and awareness to highlight the benefits of girls and women participating in sport, alongside efforts to make access easy and motivating.”


“My time at Lewes FC—also known as Equality FC—was key in educating me about the inequality and lack of diversity in football. It helped me and others think critically and ask more questions. It also reminded me that football is for all and it is a vehicle to help make positive societal change.

Being at Lewes FC was the first time I had truly seen women in leadership roles—directors, a general manager, a CEO, a Head of Performance. Seeing them in those positions was inspiring and showed me what was possible.

We need a huge push in education and awareness to highlight the benefits of girls and women participating in sport while also ensuring access is easy, welcoming, and motivating.”

Rhian Cleverly Rugby Borough FC


“Get a good support network (friends, teammates, colleagues and mentors) that can regularly support and guide you. It can be tiring, especially when you have to constantly push and challenge for more but keep fighting for a better future.

Together we can make positive change!”


The overall total prize money for the FA Cup is as follows:

Men =£20 million / Women =£6 million (77% vs 23%)

“It’s the same rules, effort, discipline, sacrifices, injuries. It’s the same cost for boots, kit, food, petrol and rent. It’s the same game, the same magic. BUT a BIG difference in how we’re valued.” - Rhian Cleverly

Equal FA is a campaign asking clubs, players and fans of football to join them in demanding that the Football Association (FA) undertake a comprehensive review of FA Cup prize money to ensure a fairer distribution of prize money. 

How YOU can help?

Equal FA

