Changing the Narrative

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“My entire career has been dedicated to the world of sports, and I consider it my mission to contribute to its continuous development and improvement.”

HerStory meets Elizaveta Bracht-Tishchenko, OLY, a former professional volleyball athlete, three-time Olympian and two-time silver medalist. Currently, working as the International Boxing Association IBA Commercial & Marketing Director. Elizaveta’s entire career has been dedicated to the world of sports, and it is her mission to contribute to its continuous development and improvement.


“I grew up in a household where my father had certain expectations regarding traditional gender roles. He expected my mum to have dinner ready at a specific time and to take care of all the housework. At the same time, he always encouraged me to pursue sports, build a career, and be an active woman. It was a bit contradictory; on one hand, he supported my ambitions, but on the other, he took pride in my culinary skills and housekeeping abilities, viewing them as qualities of a "true" woman. Yet, he simultaneously pushed me to be ambitious and always aim high in my professional pursuits. In my journey in sport, my father has played a pivotal role.”


“Despite the progress made, women are still striving for equal recognition, whether as athletes or leaders in the sports arena. To reach this current status, women have had to exert extraordinary efforts, often surpassing the efforts of their male counterparts just to be noticed.

Proactive storytelling serves not only to highlight individual achievements, but also to reshape the narrative of a world initially designed with a male-centric focus into a more equitable and inclusive space for all.”

Thank you Elizaveta, for sharing your story with us and your continuous dedication to developing and improving the world of sport.